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Ally Scandic

Baby Accessories Handbag – Cappuccino

Baby Accessories Handbag – Cappuccino

Regular price €84,15 EUR
Regular price Sale price €84,15 EUR
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Meet the Älly handbag Cappuccino, the stylish and comfortable Estonian brand that surprisingly fits everything you need.

The bag features a long strap and a small wrist strap, giving you the flexibility to carry it in a way that suits your needs. The long strap allows you to wear the bag across your body, keeping your hands free, while the wrist strap is perfect for carrying the bag in your hand or on your wrist.

Whether you’re heading out for a day of errands or a weekend getaway, this versatile handbag has you covered.

Älly is a brand created by Silja who, as a mom on the go, struggled to find products that met both her functional needs as a parent and her desire for stylish accessories, resulting in a line of versatile and fashionable handbags designed to fit all of a modern woman’s essentials.

  • Designed and developed in Estonia
  • Very light – weighs only 0,3 kg
  • Removable wet wipes pocket


All Älly bags and accessories are made from carefully selected materials. These materials are easy to maintain, durable, good-looking, lightweight, and produced without cruelty. This is the ideal combination for storing baby essentials. PU vegan leather is light, very durable, and resistant to water splashes. An animal-friendly lifestyle is very important to us because animals are our friends. Our conscious choice is to use vegan or artificial leather, but only of the highest quality. The lining is made of Älly-patterned polyester – it can handle more than just small water splashes or rain. Polyester lining is easy to keep clean, which is why we prefer it over cotton. We use only the most durable YKK zippers. The external zippers of the bag are made of metal, and the internal ones are nylon.


To remove dirt, simply wipe the bag with a damp soft microfiber cloth. Wet wipes designed for children are also suitable. For more stubborn dirt, a mild soap solution can be used. Not suitable for washing in a washing machine or soaking. Let it dry in natural room air and place the bag in a shaded area where it is not directly exposed to sunlight.


EE: Stiilne ja mugav Eesti brändi Älly käekott mahutab üllatuslikult kõik vajaliku – miniatuurne mähkmekott! Niiskete salvrätikute tasku muudab lapse hoolduse mugavaks ka väljaspool kodu.

  • Disainitud ja arendatud Eestis
  • Kvaliteetne pehme PU-vegannahk ja YKK lukud
  • Väga kerge – kaalub ainult 0,3 kg
  • Vastupidav ja lihtne hooldada
  • Eemaldatav (niiskete) salvrätikute kotike
  • Kaasas pikk õlarihm ja randmerihm



Kõikide Älly kottide ja tarvikute materjalid on hoolikalt valitud. Neid materjale on lihtne hooldada, need on vastupidavad, hea välimuse ja kerge kaaluga ning toodetud julmust kasutamata. See on beebitarvete hoiustamiseks ideaalne kooslus.
  • PU-vegannahk on kerge, väga vastupidav ja veepritsmeid tõrjuv. Loomasõbralik eluviis on meile väga oluline, sest loomad on meie sõbrad. Meie teadlik valik on kasutada vegan- ehk kunstnahka, kuid ainult kõige kvaliteetsemat.
  • Vooder on Älly mustriga polüestrist – see saab hakkama ka suurema õnnetusega kui väiksed veepritsmed või vihm. Polüestervoodrit on puhtana hoida lihtne, just seepärast eelistame seda puuvilla asemel polüestrit.
  • Kasutame ainult kõige vastupidavamaid, YKK lukke. Koti välislukud on metallist ja siselukud nailonist.


Mustuse eemaldamiseks on vaja kotti pühkida üksnes niiske pehme mikrokiudlapiga. . Hästi sobivad ka lastele mõeldud niisked salvrätikuted. Tugevama mustuse korral võib kasutada ka õrnatoimelise seebivee lahust. Ei sobi pesumasinas pesemiseks ega leotamiseks. Lase kuivada naturaalse toaõhu käes ja aseta kott varjulisse kohta, kuhu päike otse peale ei paista.

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